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NE Echoes 2024-2025 Openings

Looking for a 16U Gold assistant coach.
Please contact Tony Larry text 402-592-6943 or .
16U Echoes Gold Cleveland   Looking for 1 player 1 Catcher
Jason Cleveland 402-690-9520
18U Echoes Thompson   Looking for 2 Utility players
Jonathan Thompson 402-706-3308  
18U Echoes Nat'l Madsen    Looking for 2 high quality players
Brad Madsen 402-880-5235  

Nebraska Echoes

  • Morgan Rasmussen 2024 Echoes College Scholarship winner
  • 16U Echoes Cleveland Silver Champions Halloween Fright Fest
  • 10U Echoes Dunn 2nd Monster Mash
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Information about Echoes

  • All Echoes Coaches/Assistant are ACE certified with background check
  • Many Coaches and Assistant Coaches are NON-Parents
  • Player Sponsorships available for sponsors name/logo on team banner
  • NCSA membership, Next College Student Athlete Recruiting Service U14-U18 included in players fee
  • Players have BLAST connect 12U-18U included in players fee
  • Fall/Winter conditioning included in players fee
  • 2 practice fields available for Echoes only-Karen Park 6288 H St Omaha NE 68117
  • Open facility times for individual practice (free)
  • Key Fob available for access to Diamond for individual practice
  • Younger teams play fall league - Most teams play spring league
  • Younger teams play around 7 Tournaments, Older team 8-12
  • Player Fees vary from $1,000 to $2,500 depending on # of players & tournament schedule + uniform (approx. $450) Several Fundraisers offered
  • Practice t-shirts provided
  • Non-Profit 501 (c) (3)
  • ALL Accounting is an OPEN BOOK - Each team has their own $ account
  • $1,500 College Scholarships awarded to a Senior
  • Private Lessons available

Any questions contact Tony Larry 402-592-6943

or Judy Larry 402-670-3201

Echoes Fast Pitch

Echoes was founded in 1985, in Omaha, Nebraska.  Since it's inception the goals of the club have been:

  • To train girls to be elite softball players, capable of earning College scholarships
  • To teach girls the principals of dedication, perseverance and teamwork
  • To encourage girls to participate in community service 

We believe the key to long-term sustainable success is building teams and developing the players on our roster, not just recruiting new players. We will stick with our players and not simply try to recruit another, better player to replace you as soon as we have talked you into joining our roster.

Echoes teams consistently receive invitations to the nation's top tournaments and college showcases, including Colorado Fireworks, Colorado Independence Day and St. Louis Showcase.

Once there, Echoes teams compete on the main complexes and in the top pools against the best teams. As a result, Echoes players learn to compete at the highest national level and receive college exposure opportunities.

Over the last five years our club has seen growth with the addition of multiple teams at several age levels.  That said, we will continue to emphasize quality over quantity in our growth. We do not believe in fielding multiple teams in every age group that lack a strong commitment to compete at the highest national/regional level.

Echoes Athletic Association is a non-profit 501c3 organization. 

2025 NE Echoes Earlybird Tournament

USA Sanctioned - NAFA Northern National Qualifier    
 April 11-13, 2025 Papillion Landing in Papillion
Register on Tourney Machine at: 
See attached entry form for more information.

NE Echoes Earlybird QR Code

Congratulations Morgan Rasmussen, Winner of the $1,500 2024 Echoes College Scholarship.

15th Annual Echoes Food Drive

Thanks ECHOES for your generous donations to help out the NeighborGood Community Pantry! Congratulations 16U Echoes VanHouten for donating the most items! Thanks to 16U Echoes Thompson for loading, delivering, and unloading over 4,313 pounds of most needed items!

Sport Ngin Tips

Keep up with your Echoes team by downloading the mobile app.  Click here to download and for more info.


Do you have multiple email addresses you wish to be notified of Echoes club or team updates? Click here to learn how. 


Wish to unfollow a team on iPhone or IOS mobile app?  Click here to learn how.


Click here for a Coaches Sport Ngin User Guide



Tony Larry


Phone: (402) 592-6943

All rights reserved
Echoes Fast Pitch